For working papers, please email me at
or check out arXiv for public drafts.
Authors | Title | Year | Venue |
Dooley, Samuel Sukthanker, Rhea Dickerson, John P. White, Colin Hutter, Frank Goldblum, Micah |
Rethinking Bias Mitigation: Fairer Architectures Make for Fairer Face Recognition | 2023 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). Oral. |
Nanda, Vedant Speicher, Till Dickerson, John P. Gummadi, Krishna Feizi, Soheil Weller, Adrian |
Diffused Redundancy in Pre-trained Representations | 2023 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Sullivan, Ryan Kumar, Akarsh Huang, Shengyi Dickerson, John P. Suarez, Joseph |
Reward Scale Robustness for Proximal Policy Optimization via DreamerV3 Tricks | 2023 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Dickerson, John P. Esmaeili, Seyed Morgenstern, Jamie Zhang, Claire Jie |
Doubly Constrained Fair Clustering | 2023 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Knittel, Marina Springer, Max Dickerson, John P. Hajiaghayi, MohammadTaghi |
Fair, Polylog-Approximate Low-Cost Hierarchical Clustering | 2023 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Verma, Sahil Singh, Ashudeep Boonsanong, Varich Dickerson, John P. Shah, Chirag |
RecRec: Algorithmic Recourse for Recommender Systems | 2023 | International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) |
Bako, Hannah K. Varma, Alisha Faboro, Anuoluwapo Haider, Mahreen Nerrise, Favour Kenah, Bissaka Dickerson, John P. Battle, Leilani |
User-Driven Support for Visualization Prototyping in D3 | 2023 | International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) |
Cherepanova, Valeriia Reich, Steven Dooley, Samuel Souri, Hossein Dickerson, John P. Goldblum, Micah Goldstein, Tom |
A Deep Dive into Dataset Imbalance and Bias in Face Identification | 2023 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES) |
Schwarzschild, Avi Cembalest, Max Rao, Karthik Hines, Keegan Dickerson, John P. |
Reckoning with the Disagreement Problem: Explanation Consensus as a Training Objective | 2023 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES) |
Curry, Michael Sandholm, Tuomas Dickerson, John P. |
Differentiable Economics for Randomized Affine Maximizer Auctions | 2023 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Duppala, Sharmila Luque, Juan Dickerson, John P. Srinivasan, Aravind |
Group Fairness in Set Packing Problems | 2023 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Knittel, Marina Springer, Max Dickerson, John P. Hajiaghayi, Mohammad |
Generalized Reductions: Making any Hierarchical Clustering Fair and Balanced with Low Cost | 2023 | International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) |
Datta, Teresa Nissani, Daniel Cembalest, Max Khanna, Akash Massa, Haley Dickerson, John P. |
Tensions Between the Proxies of Human Values in AI (pdf) | 2023 | Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML) |
Herlihy, Christine Dickerson, John P. |
Networked Restless Bandits with Positive Externalities | 2023 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Esmaeili, Seyed Duppala, Sharmila Cheng, Davidson Nanda, Vedant Srinivasan, Aravind Dickerson, John P. |
Rawlsian Fairness in Online Bipartite Matching: Two-sided, Group, and Individual | 2023 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Nanda, Vedant Majumdar, Ayan Kolling, Camila Dickerson, John P. Gummadi, Krishna Love, Bradley Weller, Adrian |
Do Invariances in Deep Neural Networks Align with Human Perception? | 2023 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Dooley, Samuel Wei, George Goldstein, Tom Dickerson, John P. |
Robustness Disparities in Face Detection (pdf) | 2022 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Datasets and Benchmarks Track |
McElfresh, Duncan Khandagale, Sujay Valverde, Jonathan Dickerson, John P. White, Colin |
On the Generalizability and Predictability of Recommender Systems (pdf) | 2022 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Esmaeili, Seyed Duppala, Sharmila Dickerson, John P. Brubach, Brian |
Fair Labelled Clustering (pdf) | 2022 | International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) |
Sullivan, Ryan Terry, Jordan Black, Benjamin Dickerson, John P. |
Cliff Diving: Exploring Reward Surfaces in Reinforcement Learning Environments (pdf) | 2022 | International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) |
Nanda, Vedant Speicher, Till Kolling, Camila Dickerson, John P. Gummadi, Krishna Weller, Adrian |
Measuring Representational Robustness of Neural Networks Through Shared Invariances (pdf) | 2022 | International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) |
Bansal, Arpit Chiang, Ping-yeh Curry, Michael Jain, Rajiv Wigington, Curtis Manjunatha, Varun Dickerson, John P. Goldstein, Tom |
Certified Neural Network Watermarks with Randomized Smoothing (pdf) | 2022 | International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) |
Kumar, I. Elizabeth Hines, Keegan Dickerson, John P. |
Equal Credit Opportunity in Algorithms: Aligning Algorithmic Fairness Research with US Fair Lending Regulation (pdf) | 2022 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES) |
Knittel, Marina Dooley, Samuel Dickerson, John P. |
The Dichotomous Affiliate Stable Matching Problem: Approval-Based Matching with Applicant-Employer Relations (pdf) | 2022 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Durvasula, Naveen Srinivasan, Aravind Dickerson, John P. |
Forecasting Patient Outcomes in Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2022 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). AI for Good Track |
Curry, Michael Lyi, Uro Goldstein, Tom Dickerson, John P. |
Learning Revenue-Maximizing Auctions With Differentiable Matching (pdf) | 2022 | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) |
Chakrabarti, Darshan Dickerson, John P. Esmaeili, Seyed A Srinivasan, Aravind Tsepenekas, Leonidas |
A New Notion of Individually Fair Clustering: $\alpha$-Equitable $k$-Center (pdf) | 2022 | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) |
Verma, Sahil Hines, Keegan Dickerson, John P. |
Amortized Generation of Sequential Algorithmic Recourses for Black-box Models (pdf) | 2022 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Dooley, Samuel Turjeman, Dana Dickerson, John P. Redmiles, Elissa |
Field Evidence of the Effects of Pro-sociality and Transparency on COVID-19 App Attractiveness (pdf) | 2022 | Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) |
Schumann, Candice Lang, Zhi Mattei, Nicholas Dickerson, John P. |
Group Fairness in Bandit Arm Selection (pdf) | 2022 | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) |
Peri, Neehar Curry, Michael Dooley, Samuel Dickerson, John P. |
PreferenceNet: Encoding Human Preferences in Auction Design with Deep Learning (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Esmaeili, Seyed A Brubach, Brian Srinivasan, Aravind Dickerson, John P. |
Fair Clustering Under a Bounded Cost (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Li, Jingling Zhang, Mohzi Xu, Keyulu Dickerson, John P. Ba, Jimmy |
How does a Neural Network's Architecture Impact its Robustness to Noisy Labels? (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Ding, Mucong Kong, Kezhi Li, Jingling Zhu, Chen Dickerson, John P. Huang, Furong Goldstein, Tom |
VQ-GNN: A Universal Framework to Scale up Graph Neural Networks using Vector Quantization (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Nanda*, Vedant Dooley*, Samuel Singla, Sahil Feizi, Soheil Dickerson, John P. |
Fairness Through Robustness: Investigating Robustness Disparity in Deep Learning (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) |
Cherepanova, Valeriia Goldblum, Micah Foley, Harrison Duan, Shiyuan Dickerson, John P. Taylor, Gavin Goldstein, Tom |
LowKey: Leveraging Adversarial Attacks to Protect Social Media Users from Facial Recognition (pdf) | 2021 | International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) |
Raman, Naveen Shah, Sanket Dickerson, John P. |
Data-Driven Methods for Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in Ride-Pooling (pdf) | 2021 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Brubach, Brian Chakrabarti, Darshan Dickerson, John P. Srinivasan, Aravind Tsepenekas, Leonidas |
Fairness, Semi-Supervised Learning, and More: A General Framework for Clustering with Stochastic Pairwise Constraints (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Aziz, Haris Cseh, Agnes Dickerson, John P. McElfresh, Duncan C. |
Optimal Kidney Exchange with Immunosuppressants (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Chan, Lok Doyle, Kenzie Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter Conitzer, Vincent Schaich Borg, Jana Dickerson, John P. |
Indecision Modeling (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Christia, Fotini Curry, Michael Daskalakis, Constantinos Demaine, Erik Dickerson, John P. Hajiaghayi, Mohammadtaghi Hesterberg, Adam Knittel, Marina Milliff, Aidan |
Scalable Equilibrium Computation in Multi-agent Influence Games on Networks (pdf) | 2021 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Schwarzschild, Avi Goldblum, Micah Gupta, Arjun Dickerson, John P. Goldstein, Tom |
Just How Toxic is Data Poisoning? A Unified Benchmark for Backdoor and Data Poisoning Attacks (pdf) | 2021 | International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Kroer, Christian Pupyrev, Sergey Sodomka, Eric Dexter, Neil Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Chauvin, Zack Dickerson, John P. |
Matching Algorithms for Blood Donation | 2020 | Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) |
Chiang, Ping-yeh Curry, Michael Abdelkader, Ahmed Kumar, Aounon Dickerson, John P. Goldstein, Tom |
Detection as Regression: Certified Object Detection with Median Smoothing (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Curry, Michael Chiang, Ping-yeh Goldstein, Tom Dickerson, John P. |
Certifying Strategyproof Auction Networks (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Esmaeili, Seyed Brubach, Brian Tsepenekas, Leonidas Dickerson, John P. |
Probabilistic Fair Clustering (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Curry, Michael Sandholm, Tuomas Dickerson, John P. |
Improving Policy-Constrained Kidney Exchange via Screening (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Brubach, Brian Chakrabarti, Darshan Dickerson, John P. Khuller, Samir Srinivasan, Aravind Tsepenekas, Leonidas |
A Pairwise Fair and Community Preserving Approach to k-Center Clustering (pdf) | 2020 | International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) |
Saha, Debjani Schumann, Candice McElfresh, Duncan C. Dickerson, John P. Mazurek, Michelle L Tschantz, Michael Carl |
Measuring Non-Expert Comprehension of Machine Learning Fairness Metrics (pdf) | 2020 | International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). Earlier version appeared at AIES-20. |
Bidkhori, Hoda Dickerson, John P. McElfresh, Duncan C. Ren, Ke |
Kidney Exchange with Inhomogeneous Edge Existence Uncertainty (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) |
Ahmadi, Saba Ahmed, Faez Dickerson, John P. Fuge, Mark Khuller, Samir |
An Algorithm for Multi-Attribute Diverse Matching (pdf) | 2020 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Shafahi, Ali Najibi, Mahyar Xu, Zheng Dickerson, John P. Davis, Larry S. Goldstein, Tom |
Universal Adversarial Training (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Nanda, Vedant Xu, Pan Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Dickerson, John P. Srinivasan, Aravind |
Balancing the Tradeoff between Profit and Fairness in Rideshare Platforms during High-Demand Hours (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Earlier version appeared at AIES-20. |
Chan, Lok Doyle, Kenzie McElfresh, Duncan C. Conitzer, Vincent Dickerson, John P. Schaich Borg, Jana Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter |
Artificial Artificial Intelligence: Measuring Influence of AI ``Assessments'' on Moral Decision-Making (pdf) | 2020 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES) |
Curry, Michael Dickerson, John P. Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Srinivasan, Aravind Wan, Yuhao Xu, Pan |
Mix and Match: Markov Chains and Mixing Times for Matching in Rideshare (pdf) | 2019 | Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE) |
Schumann, Candice Lang, Zhi Foster, Jeffrey Dickerson, John P. |
Making the Cut: A Bandit-based Approach to Tiered Interviewing (pdf) | 2019 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
Shafahi, Ali Najibi, Mahyar Ghiasi, Mohammad Amin Xu, Zheng Dickerson, John P. Studer, Chrisopher Davis, Larry S. Taylor, Gavin Goldstein, Tom |
Adversarial Training for Free! (pdf) | 2019 | Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) |
McElfresh, Duncan Bidkhori, Hoda Dickerson, John P. |
Scalable Robust Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2019 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Dickerson, John P. Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Srinivasan, Aravind Xu, Pan |
Balancing Relevance and Diversity in Online Bipartite Matching via Submodularity (pdf) | 2019 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Xu, Pan Shi, Yexuan Cheng, Hao Dickerson, John P. Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Srinivasan, Aravind Tong, Yongxin Tsepenekas, Leonidas |
A Unified Approach to Online Matching with Conflict-Aware Constraints (pdf) | 2019 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Schumann, Candice Counts, Samsara N. Foster, Jeffrey Dickerson, John P. |
The Diverse Cohort Selection Problem (pdf) | 2019 | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) |
Dickerson, John P. Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Sarpatwar, Kanthi Srinivasan, Aravind Wu, Kun-Lung Xu, Pan |
Online Resource Allocation with Matching Constraints (pdf) | 2019 | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) |
Shafahi, Ali Ghiasi, Mohammad Amin Najibi, Mahyar Huang, Furong Dickerson, John P. Goldstein, Tom |
Logit-Similarity: Defending, Understanding, and Generalizing Logit-Squeezing | 2019 | British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) |
McElfresh, Duncan Dickerson, John P. |
Balancing Lexicographic Fairness and a Utilitarian Objective with Application to Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2018 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Freedman, Rachel Schaich Borg, Jana Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter Dickerson, John P. Conitzer, Vincent |
Adapting a Kidney Exchange Algorithm to Align with Human Values (pdf) | 2018 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). \bf Outstanding Student Paper Honorable Mention |
Dickerson, John P. Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Srinivasan, Aravind Xu, Pan |
Allocation Problems in Ride-Sharing Platforms: Online Matching with Offline Reusable Resources (pdf) | 2018 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Li, Zhuoshu Gupta, Neal Das, Sanmay Dickerson, John P. |
Equilibrium Behavior in Competing Dynamic Matching Markets (pdf) | 2018 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Dickerson, John P. Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Srinivasan, Aravind Xu, Pan |
Assigning Tasks to Workers based on Historical Data: Online Matching with Two-sided Arrivals (pdf) | 2018 | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) |
Redmiles, Elissa M. Mazurek, Michelle Dickerson, John P. |
Dancing Pigs or Externalities? Measuring the Rationality of Security Decisions (pdf) | 2018 | Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) |
Dickerson, John P. Kazachkov, Alexsandr M. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Small Representations of Big Kidney Exchange Graphs (pdf) | 2017 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Farina, Gabriele Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Operation Frames and Clubs in Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2017 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Ahmed, Faez Dickerson, John P. Fuge, Mark |
Diverse Weighted Bipartite b-Matching (pdf) | 2017 | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) |
Plaut, Benjamin Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Fast Optimal Clearing of Capped-Chain Barter Exchanges (pdf) | 2016 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Dickerson, John P. Manlove, David Plaut, Benjamin Sandholm, Tuomas Trimble, James |
Position-Indexed Formulations for Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2016 | Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) |
Blum, Avrim Dickerson, John P. Haghtalab, Nika Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas Sharma, Ankit |
Ignorance is Almost Bliss: Near-Optimal Stochastic Matching With Few Queries (pdf) | 2015 | Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
FutureMatch: Combining Human Value Judgments and Machine Learning to Match in Dynamic Environments (pdf) | 2015 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Hajaj, Chen Dickerson, John P. Hassidim, Avinatan Sandholm, Tuomas Sarne, David |
Strategy-Proof and Efficient Kidney Exchange Using a Credit Mechanism (pdf) | 2015 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Das, Sanmay Dickerson, John P. Li, Zhuoshu Sandholm, Tuomas |
Competing Dynamic Matching Markets (pdf) | 2015 | Conference on Auctions, Market Mechanisms, and Their Applications (AMMA) |
Dickerson, John P. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Price of Fairness in Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2014 | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) |
Dickerson, John P. Goldman, Jonathan Karp, Jeremy Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
The Computational Rise and Fall of Fairness (pdf) | 2014 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Multi-Organ Exchange: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts (pdf) | 2014 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Dickerson, John P. Kagan, Vadim Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Using Sentiment to Detect Bots on Twitter: Are Humans more Opinionated than Bots? (pdf) | 2014 | International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) |
Erickson, Lucy C. Thiessen, Erik D. Godwin, Karrie E. Dickerson, John P. Fisher, Anna V. |
Endogenously- but not Exogenously-driven Selective Sustained Attention is Related to Learning in a Classroom-like Setting in Kindergarten Children (pdf) | 2014 | Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci) |
Dickerson, John P. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Failure-Aware Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2013 | Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) |
Dickerson, John P. Sawant, Anshul Hajiaghayi, Mohammad Subrahmanian, V.S. |
PREVE: A Policy Recommendation Engine based on Vector Equilibria Applied to Reducing LeT's Attacks (pdf) | 2013 | International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) |
Dickerson, John P. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Dynamic Matching via Weighted Myopia with Application to Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2012 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Dickerson, John P. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Optimizing Kidney Exchange with Transplant Chains: Theory and Reality (pdf) | 2012 | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) |
Dickerson, John P. Simari, Gerardo I. Subrahmanian, V.S. Kraus, Sarit |
A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Protect Static and Moving Targets from Adversaries (pdf) | 2010 | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) |
Simari, Gerardo I. Dickerson, John P. Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Cost-based Query Answering in Action Probabilistic Logic Programs (pdf) | 2010 | International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM) |
Authors | Title | Year | Venue |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Kroer, Christian Pupyrev, Sergey Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Chauvin, Zack Dexter, Neil Sodomka, Eric Dickerson, John P. |
Matching Algorithms for Blood Donation | 2023 | Nature Machine Intelligence |
Allen, Stephanie Gabriel, Steven A. Dickerson, John P. |
Using Inverse Optimization to Learn Cost Functions in Generalized Nash Games | 2022 | Computers \& Operations Research (COR) |
Dickerson, John P. Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Srinivasan, Aravind Xu, Pan |
Allocation Problems in Ride-Sharing Platforms: Online Matching with Offline Reusable Resources (pdf) | 2021 | ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) |
Freedman, Rachel Schaich Borg, Jana Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter Dickerson, John P. Conitzer, Vincent |
Adapting a Kidney Exchange Algorithm to Align with Human Values (pdf) | 2020 | Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) |
Blum, Avrim Dickerson, John P. Haghtalab, Nika Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas Sharma, Ankit |
Ignorance is Almost Bliss: Near-Optimal Stochastic Matching With Few Queries (pdf) | 2020 | Operations Research |
Ahmed, Faez Dickerson, John P. Fuge, Mark |
Forming Diverse Teams from Sequentially Arriving People (pdf) | 2020 | Journal of Mechanical Design (JMD) |
Dickerson, John P. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Failure-Aware Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2019 | Management Science |
Doebel, Sabine Dickerson, John P. Hoover, Jerome D. Munakata, Yuko |
Using language to get ready: Familiar labels help children to engage proactive control (pdf) | 2018 | Journal of Experimental Child Psychology |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Multi-Organ Exchange (pdf) | 2017 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) |
Sawant, Anshul Dickerson, John P. Hajiaghayi, Mohammad T. Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Automated Generation of Counter-Terrorism Policies using Multi-Expert Input (pdf) | 2015 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) |
Erickson, Lucy C. Thiessen, Erik D. Godwin, Karrie E. Dickerson, John P. Fisher, Anna V. |
Endogenously- and Exogenously-driven Selective Sustained Attention: Contributions to Learning in Kindergarten Children (pdf) | 2015 | Journal of Experimental Child Psychology |
Simari, Gerardo I. Dickerson, John P. Sliva, Amy Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Parallel Abductive Query Answering in Probabilistic Logic Programs (pdf) | 2013 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) |
Fisher, Anna Thiessen, Erik Godwin, Karrie Kloos, Heidi Dickerson, John P. |
Assessing selective sustained attention in 3- to 5-year-old children: Evidence from a new paradigm (pdf) | 2013 | Journal of Experimental Child Psychology |
Shakarian, Paulo Dickerson, John P. Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Adversarial Geospatial Abduction Problems (pdf) | 2012 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) |
Patro, Robert Dickerson, John P. Bista, Sujal Gupta, Satyandra K. Varshney, Amitabh |
Speeding Up Particle Trajectory Simulations under Moving Force Fields using GPUs (pdf) | 2012 | ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) |
Subrahmanian, V.S. Dickerson, John P. |
What Can Virtual Worlds and Games Do for National Security? (pdf) | 2009 | Science |
Authors | Title | Year | Venue |
Prins, Aviva Herlihy, Christine Dickerson, John P. |
What Should I Grow Today so I Make Money Tomorrow? Supporting Small Farmers’ Crop Planning with Social, Environmental, and Market Data | 2022 | Practical ML for Developing Countries Workshop at ICLR-22 |
Bandyopadhyay, Saptarashmi Raghunandan, Deepthi Sahrawat, Dhruva Dickerson, John P. |
Preventing Deforestation: Modeling and Prediction of Vulnerabilities in Forest Conservation | 2022 | AI to Accelerate Science and Engineering (AI2ASE) Workshop at AAAI-22 |
Dooley, Samuel Sukthanker, Rhea Sanjay Dickerson, John P. White, Colin Hutter, Frank Goldblum, Micah |
On the Importance of Architectures and Hyperparameters for Fairness in Face | 2022 | Trustworthy and Socially Responsible Machine Learning (TSRML) Workshop at NeurIPS-22 |
Cherepanova, Valeriia Reich, Steven Dooley, Samuel Souri, Hossein Dickerson, John P. Goldblum, Micah Goldstein, Tom |
A Deep Dive into Dataset Imbalance and Bias in Face Identification | 2022 | Trustworthy and Socially Responsible Machine Learning (TSRML) Workshop at NeurIPS-22 |
Cherepanova, Valeriia Reich, Steven Dooley, Samuel Souri, Hossein Dickerson, John P. Goldblum, Micah Goldstein, Tom |
A Deep Dive into Dataset Imbalance and Bias in Face Identification | 2022 | ML Safety Workshop (MLSW) Workshop at NeurIPS-22 |
Durvasula, Naveen d'Hauteville, Valentine Hines, Keegan Dickerson, John P. |
Characterizing Anomalies with Explainable Classifiers | 2022 | Workshop on Distribution Shifts (DistShift) at NeurIPS-22 |
Datta, Teresa Nissani, Daniel Cembalest, Max Khanna, Akash Massa, Haley Dickerson, John P. |
Tensions Between the Proxies of Human Values in AI | 2022 | Human-Centered AI (HCAI) Workshop at NeurIPS-22 |
Verma, Sahil Hines, Keegan Dickerson, John P. |
Generating Fast Counterfactual Explanations for Black-box Models Using Reinforcement Learning | 2021 | Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Workshop at AAAI-21 |
Verma, Sahil Dickerson, John P. Hines, Keegan |
Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning: Challenges Revisited | 2021 | Operationalizing Human-Centered Perspectives in Explainable AI (HCXAI) Workshop at CHI-21 |
Nanda, Vedant McElfresh, Duncan C. Dickerson, John P. |
Learning to Explain Machine Learning | 2021 | Operationalizing Human-Centered Perspectives in Explainable AI (HCXAI) Workshop at CHI-21 |
Durvasula, Naveen Dickerson, John P. Srinivasan, Aravind |
A Bayesian Optimization Approach to Estimating Expected Match Time and Organ Quality in Kidney Exchange | 2021 | AI for Public Health (AI4PH) Workshop at ICLR-21 |
McElfresh, Duncan Ren, Ke Dickerson, John P. Bidkhori, Hoda |
Distributionally Robust Cycle and Chain Packing with Application to Organ Exchange | 2021 | Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) |
Resnik, Philip Coppersmith, Glen Dickerson, John P. Espy-Wilson, Carol Kelly, Deanna |
Achieving Scalability without Sacrificing Validity: Clinical Validation of Online Self-Report Scales for Schizophrenia and Depression | 2021 | Computational Approaches to Mental Health (CA4MH) Workshop at ICML-21 |
Dai, Jessica Kwegyir-Aggrey, Kweku Hines, Keegan Dickerson, John P. |
Enabling Flexible Downstream Fairness With Geometric Repair | 2021 | Measures and Best Practices for Responsible AI (RAI) Workshop at KDD-21 |
Li, Jingling Zhang, Mohzi Xu, Keyulu Dickerson, John P. Ba, Jimmy |
How does a Neural Network's Architecture Impact its Robustness to Noisy Labels? | 2021 | Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning at ICML-21 |
Curry, Michael Lyi, Uro Goldstein, Tom Dickerson, John P. |
Learning Revenue-Maximizing Auctions With Differentiable Matching | 2021 | Workshop on Optimal Transport and Machine Learning at NeurIPS-21 |
Chan, Joel Daum{\'e} III, Hal Dickerson, John P. Kacorri, Hernisa Shneiderman, Ben |
Supporting human flourishing by ensuring human involvement in AI systems | 2021 | Workshop on Human Centered AI (HCAI) at NeurIPS-21 |
Herlihy, Christine Huang, Shuo Diep, Madeline Johnson, Neil Sehgal, Neil Dickerson, John P. Jackson, Devlon Baur, Cynthia |
An mHealth Intervention for African American and Hispanic Adults: Preliminary Results from a One-Year Field Test | 2021 | Machine Learning in Public Health (MLPH) Workshop at NeurIPS-21 |
Zeyu, Zhao Dickerson, John P. |
Clearing the Kidney Exchange Through Graph Neural Network Guided Tree Search | 2020 | Student Abstract at AAAI-20 |
Nanda, Vedant Xu, Pan Sankararaman, Karthik Abinav Dickerson, John P. Srinivasan, Aravind |
Balancing the Tradeoff between Profit and Fairness in Rideshare Platforms during High-Demand Hours | 2020 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES). Abstract-only publication; subsumed by AAAI-20 paper. |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Dooley, Samuel Cui, Charles Griesman, Kendra Wang, Weiqin Will, Tyler Sehgal, Neil Dickerson, John P. |
Can an Algorithm be My Healthcare Proxy? | 2020 | Workshop on Health Intelligence at AAAI-20 |
Saha, Debjani Schumann, Candice McElfresh, Duncan C. Dickerson, John P. Mazurek, Michelle L Tschantz, Michael Carl |
Human Comprehension of Fairness in Machine Learning | 2020 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES). Abstract-only publication; subsumed by ICML-20 paper. |
Raman, Naveen Shah, Sanket Dickerson, John P. |
Data-Driven Methods for Balancing Fairness and Efficiency in Ride-Pooling | 2020 | ML for Economic Policy workshop at NeurIPS-20 |
Curry, Michael Chiang, Ping-yeh Goldstein, Tom Dickerson, John P. |
Certifying Strategyproof Auction Networks | 2020 | ML for Economic Policy workshop at NeurIPS-20. Subsumed by NeurIPS-20 paper. |
Verma, Sahil Dickerson, John P. Hines, Keegan |
Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning: A Review | 2020 | ML Retrospectives, Surveys \& Meta-Analyses (ML-RSA) Workshop at NeurIPS-20 |
Curry, Michael J. McElfresh, Duncan C. You, Xuchen Moy, Cameron Huang, Furong Goldstein, Tom Dickerson, John P. |
Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Set Packing | 2019 | Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM) |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Kroer, Christian Pupyrev, Sergey Sodomka, Eric Dickerson, John P. |
Matching Algorithms for Blood Donation | 2019 | AI for Social Good Workshop at IJCAI-19 |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Kroer, Christian Pupyrev, Sergey Sodomka, Eric Dickerson, John P. |
Matching Algorithms for Blood Donation | 2019 | Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG) |
Schumann, Candice Lang, Zhi Mattei, Nicholas Dickerson, John P. |
Group Fairness in Bandit Arm Selection | 2019 | Machine Learning and Causal Inference for Improved Decision Making workshop at NeurIPS-19 |
Cui, Guangiqi Dickerson, John P. Durvasula, Naveen Gasarch, William Metz, Erik Prinz, Jacob Raman, Naveen Smolyak, Daniel Yoo, Sung Hyun |
A Muffin-Theorem Generator | 2018 | International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN). Working paper. Full version available as ``The Muffin Problem'' at arXiv:abs/1709.02452. |
McElfresh, Duncan Dickerson, John P. |
Balancing Lexicographic Fairness and a Utilitarian Objective with Application to Kidney Exchange | 2018 | 2018 Workshop on Health Intelligence (W3PHIAI) at AAAI-18 |
Dickerson, John P. Kazachkov, Alexsandr M. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Small Representations of Big Kidney Exchange Graphs | 2017 | Workshop on AI and OR for Social Good (AIORSocGood) at AAAI-17 |
Farina, Gabriele Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Inter-Club Kidney Exchange | 2017 | Workshop on AI and OR for Social Good (AIORSocGood) at AAAI-17 |
Farina, Gabriele Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Multiple Willing Donors and Organ Clubs in Kidney Exchange | 2017 | Algorithmic Game Theory (AGT) workshop at IJCAI-17 |
Schumann, Candice Counts, Samsara N. Foster, Jeffrey Dickerson, John P. |
The Diverse Cohort Selection Problem: Multi-Armed Bandits with Varied Pulls | 2017 | Women in Machine Learning (WiML) Workshop at NIPS-17 |
Schumann, Candice Counts, Samsara N. Foster, Jeffrey Dickerson, John P. |
The Diverse Cohort Selection Problem: Multi-Armed Bandits with Varied Pulls | 2017 | Aligned AI Workshop at NIPS-17 |
Dickerson, John P. Kazachkov, Alexsandr M. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Small Representations of Big Kidney Exchange Graphs | 2016 | Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice (EXPLORE) workshop at AAMAS-2016. \bf Most Visionary Paper |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Uncertainty in Dynamic Matching with Application to Organ Exchange | 2015 | Machine Learning for Healthcare (MLHC) workshop at NIPS-2015 |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Balancing Efficiency and Fairness in Dynamic Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2014 | Modern Artificial Intelligence for Health Analytics (MAIHA) workshop at AAAI-2014 |
Dickerson, John P. Goldman, Jonathan Karp, Jeremy Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
The Computational Rise and Fall of Fairness (pdf) | 2014 | Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice (EXPLORE) workshop at AAMAS-2014 |
Dickerson, John P. Procaccia, Ariel D. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Empirical Price of Fairness in Failure-Aware Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2014 | Towards Better and more Affordable Healthcare: Incentives, Game Theory, and Artificial Intelligence (HCAGT) workshop at AAMAS-2014 |
Dickerson, John P. | Robust Dynamic Optimization with Application to Kidney Exchange (pdf) | 2014 | Doctoral Consortium at AAMAS-2014 |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Throwing darts: Random sampling helps tree search when the number of short certificates is moderate (pdf) | 2013 | International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS) |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Throwing darts: Random sampling helps tree search when the number of short certificates is moderate (pdf) | 2013 | Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Late-breaking paper |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Liver and Multi-Organ Exchange (pdf) | 2013 | IJCAI-2013 Workshop on Constraint Reasoning, Planning and Scheduling Problems for a Sustainable Future (COPLAS) |
Dickerson, John P. Mannes, Aaron Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Dealing with Lashkar-e-Taiba: A Multi-Player Game-Theoretic Perspective (pdf) | 2011 | International Symposium on Open Source Intelligence and Web Mining |
Authors | Title | Year | Venue |
McElfresh, Duncan C. Dooley, Samuel Cui, Charles Griesman, Kendra Wang, Weiqin Will, Tyler Sehgal, Neil Dickerson, John P. |
Can an Algorithm be My Healthcare Proxy? | 2020 | Explainable AI in Healthcare and Medicine |
Dickerson, John P. Simari, Gerardo I. Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Using Temporal Probabilistic Rules to Learn Group Behavior (pdf) | 2013 | Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism |
Simari, Gerardo I. Dickerson, John P. Sliva, Amy Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Policy Analytics Generation using Action Probabilistic Logic Programs (pdf) | 2013 | Handbook of Computational Approaches to Counterterrorism |
Subrahmanian, V.S. Mannes, Aaron Sliva, Amy Shakarian, Jana Dickerson, John P. |
Computational Analysis of Terrorist Groups: Lashkar-e-Taiba (pdf) | 2012 | Springer |
Shakarian, Paulo Dickerson, John P. Subrahmanian, V.S. |
Geospatial Abduction with Adaptive Adversaries (pdf) | 2012 | Geospatial Abduction: Principles and Practice |
Authors | Title | Year | Venue |
Brubach, Brian Chakrabarty, Deeparnab Dickerson, John P. Esmaeili, Seyed Kleindessner, Matth{\"a}us Knittel, Marina Morgenstern, Jamie Samadi, Samira Srinivasan, Aravind Tsepenekas, Leonidas |
Fairness in Clustering | 2022 | "Half-day tutorial at " # "Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)" |
Dickerson, John P. O'Sullivan, Elizabeth Powers, Brian Sundheimer, Brent |
Translation Tutorial: From Publishing to Practice: Bringing AI Model Monitoring to a Healthcare Setting | 2021 | "Tutorial at the " # "Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT)" |
Ahmed, Faez Das, Sanmay Dickerson, John P. McElfresh, Duncan Wilder, Bryan |
Optimization \& Learning Approaches to Resource Allocation for Social Good | 2020 | "Half-day tutorial at the " # "Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)" |
Das, Sanmay Dickerson, John P. Wilder, Bryan |
Optimization \& Learning Approaches to Resource Allocation for Social Good | 2019 | "Half-day tutorial at the " # "International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS)" |
Dickerson, John P. | Some Thoughts on Ethical Issues in Kidney Exchange | 2019 | Tutorial at a joint session between the Workshop of the European Network for Collaboration in Kidney Exchange Programmes (ENCKEP) and Conference on Economic Design (CED) |
Dickerson, John P. | Ethical Market Design via Optimization | 2018 | Three 1.5-hour lectures at the Cornell, Maryland, Max Planck doctoral Research School (CMMRS) 2018 |
Dickerson, John P. Sandholm, Tuomas |
Organ Exchange: A Success Story of AI in Healthcare | 2016 | Half-day tutorial to be presented at AAAI-16, AAMAS-16, and IJCAI-16 |
Authors | Title | Year | Venue |
Dickerson, John P. | A Unified Approach to Dynamic Matching and Barter Exchange (pdf) | 2016 | Ph.D. Thesis. |
Dickerson, John P. | A Unified Approach to Dynamic Matching and Barter Exchange (pdf) | 2015 | Ph.D. Proposal. |